Audio visual synesthesia
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Explore synesthesia, allow your eyes to listen and your ears to see, observe the relationship between sound and form within this publication. Identify synchronicities between the composition of art and music, emotion and colour as well as the relationships between the sounds of music and formal qualities of art and design. Look at how music can be visually represented through numerous approaches and identify similarities between works, concepts, and styles. Understand how both visual art and music are effective at conveying emotion and at representing/describing one another. Allow yourself to associate multiple senses with one another and allow your perception to be influenced by visual and audio stimulation. Looking at various artists/works throughout history sheds light into the relationships between visual art and the composition of musical pieces.
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This publication serves as a documentation of my process through which I attempt to master the skill of translating musical pieces into abstract visual compositions. Drawing from techniques developed by various artists and art pieces concerned with the visual representation of music I attempt to devise a personal methodology for musical translation and representation. Throughout my process I explain decisions behind my choices of music to represent, compositional hierarchy relating to musical hierarchy and synesthetic responses.
PRINTed zines
Generative code
zine preview coming soon
The Imagery within this zine was created using generative code as well as a self created paint program. The inspiration behind this booklet is from Jarrad Wrights The Big Lez Show, an animated cartoon created using Microsoft paint. Within this zine I attempted to match styles, forms, and typography to match the stylistic choices made within the show. The process by which this booklet was created using a self-generated paint program aligns with the method of production used by Jarrad Wright to create The Big Lez Show. The zine is a documentation of my code learning process as well as producing code for print production.